Jennifer Walker, Author at Poly Blog Command the Conversation Wed, 27 Apr 2022 17:50:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Automatic Extension of the Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF) Wed, 27 Apr 2022 17:50:29 +0000

The U.S. Department of Education recently announced that institutions of higher education with 1,000 dollars or more of HEERF funds will receive an automatic extension of their performance period. They now have until June 30, 2023 to expend their remaining funds. The pandemic placed an immense burden—logistically and financially—on institutions, educators and students, and many challenges persist. In a recent NPR article, Doug Shapiro, a National Student Clearinghouse Research lead, explained that undergraduate enrollment has dropped 6.6 percent since 2019, the largest two-year decrease in the last 50 years. This funding extension comes just in time and gives organizations the latitude to meet the moment and plan for the future.

Using the Funding for Voice and Video Technology

The past two years have taught us all how important it is to have readiness and flexibility built into an organization’s communication infrastructure. Having the tools to adapt to any disruption is critical. Fortunately, the HEERF can be used to implement professional-grade voice and video infrastructure that ensures connection and collaboration, providing continuity for students and staff no matter what disruption affects the public sector next. This means phone systems, headsets, breakout video conferencing rooms, telehealth stations and more. Reliable, flexible technology enables every classroom to serve in-person, remote, online and hybrid learning, all at the same time. With the right tools, institutions can engage students more effectively now and for years to come.

How Poly Can Help

A year will fly by in no time, so institutions need to make a plan and take action, especially with the the curve balls the supply chain keeps hurling at the market. The Poly Grants Assistance Program (PGAP) can help institutions navigate the complexities of HEERF, and other federal funding. They offer a wide array of free services to guide you through the process—from funding identification to close-out. The team has been around since before the pandemic and will continue to be well into the future. Their services include:

Pre-Award Support

The PGAP team can walk your organization through entire pre-award process. Additionally, their network of consultants and grant-writing experts across the country specialize in meeting your specific needs. Where allowed by the agency, services can include writing assistance, editing support, budget development and budget narrative recommendations to support your technology solutions.

Post-Award Support

Many organizations find the post-award process and required paperwork a bit daunting. The PGAP team is happy to provide support, ensuring you’re in compliance, and help move your project forward in a timely manner. This is especially important for HEERF as the process can be a little different than other federal funds.

Get in Touch with Poly’s Grant Assistance Team

For more information or support on grant funding in general, please feel free to contact the Poly Grants Assistance Program (PGAP) at

Get Ready for the RUS-DLT – Federal Grants for Voice & Video Fri, 07 Jan 2022 17:50:27 +0000

Many organizations want to invest in telecommunication technology, but lack adequate funding to do so, which makes grant acquisition essential. The USDA Rural Utilities Service – Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant (RUS-DLT) is a major contributor in this area. The grant exists to support and improve telemedicine and distance learning services in rural areas via telecommunications, computer networks and related advanced technologies used by students, teachers, medical professionals and rural residents.

Remoteness and low population density can greatly influence a community’s access to education and medical services. By linking teachers and medical services providers to students and patients in other areas, residents tap into the benefits of modern telecommunications for education and healthcare—two key areas for economic and community development.

The RUS-DLT is an annual grant that awards anywhere from $50,000 to $1 million dollars to eligible applicants. While the funding deadline will likely be set for spring of 2022, organizations need to start preparing now. There will be between 40 and 60 grants awarded, paid out over three years, requiring 15 percent cost matching. This funding presents a meaningful opportunity to improve a community’s access to educational and medical services, but the information gathering and application process is detail intensive and time consuming. Therefore, it is critical to prepare all applications before the official deadline is announced, especially considering the required turnaround is typically 60 days or less.

Using the Funds for Audio and Visual Equipment

In addition to instructional programming and technical assistance, the RUS-DLT grant funds can be used to purchase the audio and video equipment professionals need to deliver outstanding telemedicine and distance learning experiences. With professional-grade equipment supporting them, medical professionals and educators can focus all their efforts on delivering a best-in-class experience, no matter their location. Modern telecommunications offers so much potential to shatter the limitations of traditional community services. Ensuring organizations have the appropriate equipment to make most of this potential is a critical step forward.

Who can Apply?

Eligible applicants include most entities that provide education or health care through telecommunications, including most State and local governmental entities, federally recognized tribes, non-profits, for-profit businesses and a consortium of eligible entities. All grant applications are vetted and accepted through a competitive process.

Preparing for the RUS-DLT Grant and How Poly can Help                                                                                                                                       

If an eligible organization wants to take advantage of the RUS-DLT Grant, they need to start preparing their application now. They must quickly evaluate their needs, ensure their project aligns with the scope of the funding, gather information for their proposal and keep their eyes peeled for the deadline announcement. There are plenty of online resources to help organizations prepare for grant application, but it’s not always the hands-on and detail-oriented help you need to navigate the process. Poly’s Grant Assistance Program (PGAP) team offers a wide array of free services to guide you through the grant process—from grant identification and application to post-award administrative support:

Get Qualified Early

A critical part of preparing for the RUS-DLT Grant is making sure your organization qualifies to apply for the funds. Our consultation experts specialize in this and are happy to ensure that the RUS-DLT grant is the right fit for your organization. If it’s not, the expert will guide your organization toward other funding opportunities that are a better fit.

Post-Award Support

Although preparing for grant application is the most pressing issue right now, many organizations soon realize that they would benefit from some assistance during the reimbursement, audit and post-award paperwork process. Fortunately, PGAP consultants are well-prepared for this. They are happy to support your organization, ensuring you’re in compliance and that your project continues to move forward.

Connect with Poly’s Grant Assistance Team

For more information or support on how to construct that justification, or on grant funding in general, please feel free to contact the Poly Grant Assistance Program (PGAP) at

Want to learn how a PGAP partnership helped another organization expand their telemedicine and distance learning capacity? Click here.
