All blog posts in Poly Community Poly Community Fri, 10 Feb 2023 18:48:44 GMT Community 2023-02-10T18:48:44Z Re: Heartbleed Vulnerability: What Partners Need to know <P>cloud services cover a wide scope of assets that a specialist co-op conveys to clients through the web, which, in this unique situation, has comprehensively gotten known as the cloud. Attributes of cloud administrations incorporate self-provisioning and flexibility; that is, clients can arrangement benefits on an on-request premise and close them down when no longer vital. I use the <A href="" target="_self">M&amp;A data room</A>, specially designed for business and m&amp;a&nbsp;<SPAN>transactions&nbsp;to encourage the broad due persistence process commonly embraced by purchasers.</SPAN></P> Fri, 08 Nov 2019 15:42:44 GMT melissafalbo12 2019-11-08T15:42:44Z Re: Old-school or new age: Is technology a distraction in education? <P>This is great post for students . if u want know more about then visit our website</P> Sat, 13 Jul 2019 07:16:20 GMT vaibhav 2019-07-13T07:16:20Z Re: UC Software on Polycom VVX phones passes Microsoft Qualification <P>Hi,</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>I would like to download the CAB files for the qualified Lync Server 2013 UC Software version&nbsp;<SPAN> but on this polycom web page (<A href="" target="_blank"></A> ) it only contained the cab files for the SSTRVOIP. I am looking for the CAB files for the Polycom VVX 300 phones.&nbsp;&nbsp;</SPAN></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P><SPAN>Thank you&nbsp;</SPAN></P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> Wed, 03 Apr 2019 20:02:08 GMT Polycom122 2019-04-03T20:02:08Z Re: IP or Analog Audio Conferencing – What’s the difference? <P>Instead this polycom Conferece phones, <A title="Yealink Conference Phones" href=";q=yealink+conference+phone" target="_self">Yealink Conference phones</A> is also very good in quality.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P> Thu, 11 Oct 2018 07:42:15 GMT Danny The telecomshop 2018-10-11T07:42:15Z Baptist Health Uses Grant to Aide in Opioid Epidemic <P>It's been a couple of years since t<SPAN>he&nbsp;</SPAN><A href=""><SPAN>United States Department of Agriculture</SPAN></A><SPAN>&nbsp;(USDA) announced five&nbsp;</SPAN><A href=""><SPAN>Distance Learning and Telemedicine&nbsp;</SPAN></A><SPAN>(DLT) grant awards to help provide treatment for the growing opioid epidemic in rural central Appalachia. The DLT award includes nearly $1.4 million for five projects in Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia to help these areas address the epidemic. Baptist Health decided to take on the epidemic wiht the help of telemedicne solutions from Polycom.</SPAN></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> Wed, 25 Jul 2018 22:20:53 GMT Bob Knauf 2018-07-25T22:20:53Z Re: IP or Analog Audio Conferencing – What’s the difference? <P>Good afternoon,</P><P>by mistake we have bought a Polycom2 analogic instead IP .</P><P>Do you have &nbsp;an IP adaptor suitable in order to convert Polycom2 analogic in IP phone.</P><P>Thank you</P><P>Stefano</P><P>&nbsp;</P> Mon, 08 Jan 2018 15:14:18 GMT Stefano 2018-01-08T15:14:18Z Re: Old-school or new age: Is technology a distraction in education? <P>Great article a lot of student help for all over the student so many people online&nbsp;</P> Tue, 05 Dec 2017 14:48:31 GMT marryjohn 2017-12-05T14:48:31Z Re: Old-school or new age: Is technology a distraction in education? <P><SPAN>Hi, </SPAN></P> <P><SPAN>Good article and Nice information to students. Thanks for sharing this article. </SPAN></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> Tue, 05 Dec 2017 14:48:08 GMT Anupama 2017-12-05T14:48:08Z Re: How to Turn a Polycom VVX Business Media Phone into a Common Area Phone <P>After some digging through the Admin Guide I found two possible solutions for this:</P><P>&nbsp;</P><PRE>dir.local.readonly = "1" dir.local.passwordProtected="1"</PRE><P>&nbsp;</P><P>This way configured speeddials can't be edited anymore.</P><P>Strange thing is that when readOnly="0" and passwordProtected="1" you can't edit the key, you are not prompted for a password,&nbsp;</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>I disabled all other speeddial keys (unconfigured) like this:</P><P>&nbsp;</P><PRE>key.52.function.prim = "null"</PRE><P>And I thought this would lock the phone down completely.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>But even when readOnly="1" it is still possible to add local contacts from a directory, read on...</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>I do want the people to be able to search the SfB addressbook, and for that I have enabled SfB search on the home screen (and disabled all other buttons) via this function:</P><P>&nbsp;</P><PRE>up.oneTouchDirectory="1"</PRE><P>Now, when going into the SfB directory and searching for someone<SPAN>&nbsp;</SPAN>you&nbsp;can press &lt;more&gt;, &lt;add to Contacts&gt; and you just created an extra speed dial on a CAP.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>I have no clue how to disable this loophole except by removing access to the SfB addressbook.</P><P>If I find a solution I will post it here.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>Regards, Paul</P> Mon, 21 Aug 2017 14:34:30 GMT Polleke 2017-08-21T14:34:30Z Re: How to Turn a Polycom VVX Business Media Phone into a Common Area Phone <P>Hi Emilio,</P><P>This is already an older post but I have one small question.</P><P>When pressing and holding a speed dial key (empty or not) the key can be editted and this can be saved.</P><P>For a common area phone this is not OK, as no one should be able to mess with the phone config.</P><P>Is there an option to disable the editting of Speed Dials by keeping the key pressed down for 2 seconds.</P><P>&nbsp;</P><P>regards, Paul</P> Fri, 18 Aug 2017 08:22:07 GMT Polleke 2017-08-18T08:22:07Z Re: How to prepare for a job interview over videoconferencing (as an employer) <P>By following above mentioned points and using tools like webex, R-HUB HD video conferencing servers etc. one can conduct online interviews effectively.&nbsp;</P> Fri, 04 Aug 2017 07:58:04 GMT Pallab Chakraborty 2017-08-04T07:58:04Z New major release of UC Software is available NOW! UCS 5.6.0 features for Polycom VVX Phones <P><STRONG>UCS 5.6.0 is now </STRONG><A href=""><STRONG>available</STRONG></A><STRONG> and includes exciting new features for Open SIP and Skype for Business Customers </STRONG></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> Thu, 20 Jul 2017 15:00:00 GMT christine 2017-07-20T15:00:00Z Re: Polycom RealConnect and Skype for Business – your FAQs <P>Hi!</P><P>The Polycom Real Connect cloud licenseing calculations..</P><P>What we know is that, one Polycom Realpresece license is considering 1-Host base license and that license can connect wth many SFB users via cloud.. Is that correct.</P><P>Also requesting you to send us FAQ for Real Connect Cloud so that will go through and according to that will educate the customer.</P><P>Regards,</P><P>Dharmesg=h</P> Thu, 06 Jul 2017 12:50:03 GMT Dharmesh Patel 2017-07-06T12:50:03Z Re: Helping businesses prepare for the workplace of the future, today <P>Comfortable workplace influences on our efficiency and ability to work fast. So each time I am looking for&nbsp;</P><P><A href="" target="_self">looking for physics homework help</A>, I am thinking first what can I do to improve the space around. However, I can imagine pretty well what kind of workplace I would like to have in the office.</P><P>&nbsp;</P> Thu, 22 Jun 2017 14:18:20 GMT Mark33 2017-06-22T14:18:20Z Re: Navigating the Journey to Skype for Business Online <P>&nbsp;</P><BLOCKQUOTE><HR /></BLOCKQUOTE><P><BR /><BR />Merhaba, skype gün geçtikçe büyüyor ve birçok platform tarafından kullanılmaya başlanıyor. Örneğin&nbsp;</P><P><FONT size="1"><A href="" target="_blank">ğitimi/skype</A>&nbsp;</FONT></P><P>&nbsp;gibi platformlar online skype üzerinden dersler veriyorlar. Kullanıcı dostu olan bu platformlarla istenilen şekilde dersler öğreniliyor. Hemen hemen her dil bulunuyor bu platformlarda ve native hocalardan da ders alınabiliyor.</P> Sun, 04 Jun 2017 02:19:03 GMT mert saglik 2017-06-04T02:19:03Z Getting Up Close and Personal with Polycom Immersive Studio Flex <P>Have you ever been in a video conference and tried to reach out for something on the table on the far side because it felt like you were in the same room? &nbsp;Well, I have and it was amazing!</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> Tue, 25 Apr 2017 14:25:50 GMT Bob Knauf 2017-04-25T14:25:50Z Max Life Advances Mobile Telemedicine with Polycom <P><STRONG><FONT size="3" color="#0000FF"><EM>Remote Doctor Live Access Control Saves Lives</EM></FONT></STRONG></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P><FONT size="2">Max Life Telemedicine systems provides live streaming video, audio, and diagnostic device capabilities to doctors who can remotely access ambulances and portable clinic cases to diagnose and treat patients. Maintain a high-quality Polycom audio/video call in transit with multiple carrier redundancy and bandwidth bonding.</FONT></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P><FONT size="2"><STRONG>Benefits</STRONG></FONT></P> <UL> <LI><FONT size="2">Proven connectivity while in transit and standing still</FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size="2">Precise and easy to use telemedicine, video/audio application</FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size="2">Custom, ruggedized hardware systems</FONT></LI> <LI><FONT size="2">Simple to use and proven connectivity = Best Patient Outcome</FONT></LI> </UL> <P><FONT size="2"><IMG src=";px=-1" border="0" alt="max-life-image.png" title="max-life-image.png" /></FONT></P> Mon, 01 May 2017 19:19:07 GMT poly_peterh 2017-05-01T19:19:07Z Polycom CX Series Recent Updates <P><FONT size="2"><STRONG>Polycom CX5100 and CX5500 Unified Conference Stations</STRONG></FONT></P> <P><FONT size="2">The Polycom CX5100 and CX5500 Unified Conference Stations have a new software release with V1.3.0 as of March 2017. Open and read this blog post to read more about the new features and find links.</FONT></P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P><FONT size="2"><STRONG>Polycom CX300 R2 USB Phone</STRONG></FONT></P> <P><FONT size="2">No updates here, but it is important to mention that the Polycom CX300 R2 USB phone continues to be manufactured and sold. It was only the CX500 and CX600 phones that recently went End of Sale (EOS).</FONT></P> Tue, 11 Apr 2017 23:19:00 GMT poly_peterh 2017-04-11T23:19:00Z Re: Digital Nomad in South America for the last few months of my Journey <P>LOVE your sense of adventure! &nbsp;What a great opportunity to see, hear, smell, and taste the world. &nbsp;Thanks so much for sharing your journey. &nbsp;Stay safe and keep defying distance!!!</P> Tue, 04 Apr 2017 01:27:02 GMT dknapp 2017-04-04T01:27:02Z Digital Nomad in South America for the last few months of my Journey <P style="margin: 0in 0in 8pt;"><FONT face="Calibri" size="3" color="#000000">Both of my parents are Salvadoran, growing up they would take my siblings and I to El Salvador almost every summer, as well as the surrounding countries in Central America. Thanks to my parents I learned Spanish, my culture,&nbsp;traditions and food. I loved learning about my culture so much, I majored in Latin American Studies in College. Although I had never been to South America, I knew one day I would eventually go, 2017 happened to be the year. </FONT></P> <P><IMG src=";px=-1" border="0" alt="IMG_8099.jpg" title="IMG_8099.jpg" /></P> Fri, 31 Mar 2017 19:00:38 GMT creyes 2017-03-31T19:00:38Z