// LM-100892: Once page process mkt_tok, remove parameter from URL (function() { var afterLoad = function (fn) { if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', fn); } else { window.addEventListener('load', fn); } }; afterLoad(function () { // LM-123191: Remaining '&' from removal of 'mkt_tok=' in tracked links from emails // Parse all query parameters of location.search, remove mkt_tok, then reassemble the rest if (location.search && location.search.length > 1 && location.search[0] == '?') { var newSearch = '', stripped = false, params = location.search.substring(1).split('&'); params.forEach(function(item) { if (item) { if (item.indexOf('mkt_tok=') === 0) { // Cache mkt_tok value into global variable, before stripping it from URL window.__mktTokVal = window.__mktTokVal || item.substring(8); stripped = true; } else { // Put together the new "search" query except the leading '?' newSearch += (newSearch ? '&' : '') + item; } } }); if (stripped) { // If, and only if, mkt_tok= parameter was found and stripped // Replace window history entry with updated search portion of original URL window.history && history.replaceState('', null, location.pathname + (newSearch ? '?' + newSearch : '') + location.hash); } } }); })();