// FLEX_LP-custom.js

// =======[Floating Form Labels]======= // 
// requires mktoForm-floatingLabels.css (.activeLabel styles)
// requires Marketo form label setting set to "Above" (instead of "Left")
function floatingLabels() {
        // clear Radio and Checkbox labels
        $('.mktoRadioList, .mktoCheckboxList').parent().children('label').addClass('d-none');
        // clear first option of select elements
        $('select option:nth-of-type(1)').html("");

        // all form input elements
        var inputs = $('.mktoForm input[type=url], .mktoForm input[type=text], .mktoForm input[type=date], .mktoForm input[type=tel], .mktoForm input[type=email], .mktoForm input[type=number], .mktoForm textarea.mktoField, .mktoForm select.mktoField');

        // add .activeLabel when field is focused
            var fieldID = $(this).attr('id');  
            fieldLabel = 'label.mktoLabel[for=' + fieldID +']'; 

        // remove .activeLabel when field is blurred if empty
            var fieldID = $(this).attr('id');  
            fieldLabel = 'label.mktoLabel[for=' + fieldID +']';
            if ($(this).val() == ""){

    $(document).ready(function() {
                MktoForms2.whenReady(function (form){
                    $('form.mktoForm').on('change', floatingLabels); 
            else {}

// animate form offset after page loads w/ delay
    setTimeout(function() { 
    }, 1000);