Poly and Genesys have a long history of partnership and looking forward, we share a similar vision of where the contact centre is headed – a future where the call centre is transformed from being reactive and restrictive, into the centre of the organisation’s experience delivery. COVID-19 has changed where we work, how we work, and how we interact with customers – crucially though, it hasn’t changed the need to deliver a high-quality experience.

Without a doubt, these are uncertain times, and this year’s Virtual G-Summit ANZ is the place to clear the path ahead. During this event, you will network with peers, ask questions, see demos and attend breakouts to gain insights about how you can empower your employees and create better customer experiences.

Join Richard Kenny, Senior Product Marketing Manager (Contact Centre) for his session, Business as Unusual – A New Role for the Contact Centre on Wednesday, July 22 at 11:30 a.m. (AEST).

Connect. Engage. Resolve.

During this session you will take a deep dive into the three main ingredients that are essential to delivering customer experiences that exceed expectations. They are:

ONE: Connect – Maximise Your Cloud Deployment

COVID-19 fast-tracked cloud deployments to keep everyone connected. Now that everyone’s online, budgets are under pressure – how can you get the most from your cloud deployment?

TWO: Engage – Make a Real Connection with Customers

Customer experience and customer service are in the spotlight – what are customers looking for and what channels should you be focusing on to engage with them?

THREE: Resolve – Empower Employees

With employees unable or unwilling to come into the office, what solutions do we employ to keep teams connected both professionally and socially? Furthermore, how will we ensure they stay with us now that it has been proven that they can work from anywhere?

Poly will be online throughout the entire event to answer any questions. Register here to confirm your place and find out more about Poly and Genesys solutions here.