You no doubt spend a lot of time each day communicating with your customers, your suppliers and your employees. Do you feel you’re as effective as you can and should be to keep your company moving ahead? More than ever, communication today is a strategic business asset. Your company’s long term success, both in terms of retaining customers and getting new ones, depends on communication that is efficient, effective and personal.
The good news is that there are many communication options available to you; and we want to help you understand them and keep on top of new ones. That’s why we just redesigned the Plantronics Small and Medium Business site to make it more of a tool to help you get and stay ahead. As you explore our new site, you’ll find information on trends in communication that can help strengthen the connection with customers and improve employee productivity and teamwork. We’ve identified seven trends in particular we think top the list and provide advice on how to leverage them in our “Big Trends for Small Business,” guide for you to download and read at your convenience.
We’ve also added customer stories that highlight new ways companies are working inside the office and out using a range of technology devices and Plantronics headsets. You now have the freedom to work the way you want and yet always be available to the people who need to reach you.
You can also access my SMB SoundBites blog right from the site. We hope you bookmark the site, participate in our polls and come back often. We’ll be updating it with new information all the time.