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Policy by Site

A Site Policy enables you to manage a group of device policies at a defined site. This policy will simplify the management of a large group of devices.

Note: The Settings are the same for the Device Model Policy as they are for Site Policy. For detailed information on managing the following lists, see List Managment.

SiteThere is a Site dropdown list above the list of Sites, this is a list of all Sites that have been created on this Account. Once a Site is selected, the table will refresh with the current Site Policies.
Device ModelThe model type of the Policy.
Device CountThe number of devices in this Policy.
Device imageAn image of the the device for quick identification.

Add a New Site Policy

Note: You must change and save at least one setting to create a policy.

  1. Select Manage > Policy > Site > Add.
  2. Select or search for a device type from the popup list.
  3. Select Continue.
  4. On the Settings page change a setting (this is required to create a policy) to be modified.
  5. Select Apply.
  6. A new Site policy is created for the device type and now appears in the list of Policies.

Delete a Site Policy

Note: You cannot delete a policy, if there are any devices in this Policy.

  1. Select Manage > Policy > Site.
  2. Select the checkbox for the Device Model(s) to delete from the list.
  3. Select Delete.
  4. Select Confirm.
    Caution: This action cannot be undone.
  5. The policy is deleted and removed from the list.

For additional information on Policies see: