ip-address-list | IpAddressList |
List of IP addresses of the device.
| |
product-type | ProductType |
Type of the device. E.g. Endpoint,Call-Server,RSS, and so on.
| Mandatory |
name | xs:string |
Name of a particluar product/device.
| Mandatory |
product | xs:string |
Product name, e.g., HDX, DMA, and so on.
| Mandatory |
model | xs:string |
Model of the product.
| Mandatory |
software-version | xs:string |
Software version of the product.
| |
hardware-version | xs:string |
Hardware version of the product.
| |
serial-number | xs:string |
Serial number of the product.
| Mandatory |
username | xs:string |
The domain and userid or username of the logged in user if available. E.g. LOCAL\johndoe
| |