plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster  PlcmDmaSuperclusterCluster

The current supercluster status of a DMA cluster. Read-only. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster+xml.

Complex Types

PlcmDmaSuperclusterCluster Fields

atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
plcmDmaSuperclusterClusterServerList List of plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-serverSee Definition of plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-server
plcmTerritoryV2List List of plcm-territory-v2See Definition of plcm-territory-v2
plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-type plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-typeSee Definition of plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-type
plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-servicing-status plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-servicing-statusSee Definition of plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-servicing-status
plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-reachability plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-reachabilitySee Definition of plcm-dma-supercluster-cluster-reachability
cluster-identifierxs:string Unique identifier for the cluster. Mandatory
local-clusterxs:boolean Indicates that this cluster is the cluster being communicated with.
versionxs:string The version of the cluster's server(s).
proxias-versionxs:string The version of the proxias service.
application-versionxs:string The version of the application deployed on cluster.
cluster-namexs:string Cluster name. Mandatory
address-ipv4xs:string Cluster host address, IPv4.
address-ipv6xs:string Cluster host address, IPv6.
cluster-reachablexs:boolean Indicates whether cluster is active or not.
h323-ras-portxs:int H.323 RAS port.
h323-signaling-portxs:int H.323 signaling port.
sip-tcp-portxs:int SIP proxy TCP port.
sip-udp-portxs:int SIP proxy UDP port.
sip-tls-portxs:int SIP proxy TLS port.
has-territory-responsibilityxs:boolean Indicates that the cluster is the primary or backup cluster for one or more territories.
host-namexs:string Cluster host name.
hardware-modelxs:string Hardware model of the system.
serial-numberxs:string Serial number of the server.
up-timexs:string Time since server is up and running.
local-time-zonexs:string Time zone configured at server.
external-time-sourcexs:boolean Indicates that external time source is configured.
active-management-hostxs:string Active management host of the cluster.
private-link-upxs:boolean Link status of private interface.
private-link-duplexxs:string Private interface duplex configuration.
private-link-speedxs:int Private interface speed.
management-link-upxs:boolean Link status of management interface.
management-link-duplexxs:string Management interface duplex configuration.
management-link-speedxs:int Management interface speed.
signaling-link-upxs:boolean Link status of signaling interface.
signaling-link-duplexxs:string Signaling interface duplex configuration.
signaling-link-speedxs:int Signaling interface speed.
split-networkxs:boolean Indicates that the network is configured in split mode.
network-interfaceList of NetworkInterface
cpu-core-countxs:int CPU cores of the system.
cpu-utilizationxs:int CPU utilization percentage.
total-memoryxs:int Total memory available at system (in MB).
free-memoryxs:int Free memory available at system (in MB).
total-swapxs:int Total swap space available at system (in MB).
free-swapxs:int Free swap space available at system (in MB).
buffer-memoryxs:int Buffer memory space (in MB).
cache-memoryxs:int Cache memory space (in MB).
total-disk-spacexs:int Total hard disk space available at system (in MB).
free-disk-spacexs:int Free disk space available at system (in MB).
used-disk-spacexs:int Used disk space at system (in MB).
used-disk-percentagexs:int Percentage of disk space used at system.
total-log-spacexs:int Total log space available at system (in MB).
used-log-spacexs:int Used log space at system (in MB).
used-log-space-percentagexs:int Percentage of log space used at system.
entity-tagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.

NetworkInterface Fields

interface-typeInterfaceType Type of network interface. Mandatory
mac-addressxs:string MAC address of the interface.
physical-ipv4-addressxs:string Physical IPv4 address of the interface.
physical-ipv6-addressxs:string Physical IPv6 address of the interface.
virtual-ipv4-addressxs:string Virtual IPv4 address of the interface.
virtual-ipv6-addressxs:string Virtual IPv6 address of the interface.

Simple Types

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Value must be one of: