A DMA Enterprise group. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-enterprise-group+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for entity-tag and atom-link.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | List of link | See Definition of link | |
plcm-user-role-list | plcm-user-role-list | See Definition of plcm-user-role-list | |
plcm-service-class-v2 | plcm-service-class-v2 | See Definition of plcm-service-class-v2 | |
enterprise-group-identifier | EnterpriseGroupIdentifier | The system-generated identifier of the this enterprise group | |
enterprise-group-id | xs:string | This is the SAM-Account-Name attribute for this enterprise group. This is read-only, and not editable. | |
enterprise-group-common-name | xs:string | Common name of the enterprise group. This is read-only, and not editable | Mandatory |
enterprise-group-description | xs:string | Description of the enterprise group. This is read-only, and not editable | |
enterprise-group-domain | xs:string | The domain that this enterprise group belongs to. This is read-only, and not editable | |
enterprise-group-dn | xs:string | Distinguished name of the enterprise group. This is read-only, and not editable | |
conference-template-name | xs:string | Name of the conference template for this enterprise group. This field is mandatory when override-default-conference-template-name is true. | |
override-default-conference-template-name | xs:boolean | Boolean indicating whether this enterprise group overrides the default conference template. If true, a conference-template-name must also be specified. | |
mcu-pool-order-name | xs:string | Name of the MCU pool order for this enterprise group. This field is mandatory when override-default-mcu-pool-order-name is true. | |
override-default-mcu-pool-order-name | xs:boolean | Boolean indicating whether this enterprise group overrides the default MCU pool order. If true, an mcu-pool-order-name must also be specified. | |
territory-name | xs:string | Name of the territory for this enterprise group. This field is mandatory when override-default-territory-name is true. | |
override-default-territory-name | xs:boolean | Boolean indicating whether this enterprise group overrides the default territory. If true, a territory-name name must also be specified. | |
svc-only-territory-name | xs:string | Name of the svc-only territory for this enterprise group. This field is mandatory when override-default-svc-only-territory-name is true. | |
override-default-svc-only-territory-name | xs:boolean | Boolean indicating whether this enterprise group overrides the default svc-only territory. If true, a svc-only-territory-name name must also be specified. | |
group-publishability | xs:boolean | Boolean config value for publishing this enterprise group. This field is mandatory when override-default-group-publishability is true. | |
override-default-group-publishability | xs:boolean | Boolean indicating whether this enterprise group overrides the default group-publishability. If true, a group-publishability name must also be specified. | |
override-default-service-class | xs:boolean | When true, plcm-service-class-v2 must be specified in the request. When false, plcm-service-class-v2 value will be determined by the system default. | |
override-default-duration-in-minutes | xs:boolean | This field has false value if duration-in-minutes is specified | |
duration-in-minutes | DurationInMinutes | The number of minutes a conference is accessible. Duration is measured from the time the conference is started (joined by the first user). Note: 1. Integer value '-1' will set the conference room to be accessible for unlimited duration. 2. To specify the default conference settings, specify integer value '0' or do not include the duration-in-minutes in the request. | |
entity-tag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
EntityTag | xs:string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
DurationInMinutes | xs:int | |
EnterpriseGroupIdentifier | T0 | Length of value must be >=0 Length of value must be <=128 |
T0 | xs:string | Pattern of value must match the regular expression [0-9a-zA-Z~!@$%\*_\-\+={}\[\]\\/?\. ]* |