
Definitions of the data structures that provide for the configuration of network interfaces, e.g. eth0, loopback, etc. There are three primary types of interfaces: bond, ethernet and loopback. The configuration options are tailored to the interface type.


A sub-interface is a list of additional (secondary, or virtual) addresses that are to be assigned to a network interface. Sub-interfaces are present only in the saved configuration and are stored in suffixed file names derived from the interface configuration script file name. For example, sub-interfaces for eth0 are stored as: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0.1 etc.


Supports the configuration of bonded NICs, i.e. link aggregation. Bond interface configuration is stored as an interface configuration script, for example: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-bond0


Represents a list of bond interface elements.


Configuration for the loopback interface. Loopback interface configuration is stored as an interface configuration script, for example: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo


Configuration for an ethernet interface. Ethernet interface configuration is stored as an interface configuration script, for example: /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0


Represents a list of ethernet interface elements.

PlcmEthernetInterfaceList Fields

plcmEthernetInterfaceList Array of PlcmEthernetInterfaceSee Definition of PlcmEthernetInterface

PlcmEthernetInterface Fields

servicesArray of PlcmService
searchPathElementsArray of SearchPathElement
ethtoolOptionsArray of PlcmEthtoolOption
driverInfo DriverInfoSee Definition of DriverInfo
rulesArray of PlcmNetworkRoutingRule
routesArray of PlcmNetworkRoute
subInterfacesArray of PlcmSubInterface
addressesArray of PlcmNetworkAddress
namestring A descriptive name for the interface
deviceNamestring Defines the name for the device to be configured, e.g. eth0 Mandatory
statePlcmNetworkInterfaceState For a live network configuration, this value will not be null and will reflect the current operational state of the interface. For a saved network configuration, this value will be null.
dscpint The Differentiated Services marker for outgoing traffic originating on the interface.
readOnlyboolean Informs the client whether this interface can have its settings changed via this API
macAddressPlcmMacAddress This address overrides the physical MAC address for this interface. The physical MAC address is found on the ethernet-interface container defined later in this module and is referred to as the hardware address.
ipv4FailureIsFatalboolean Whether a failure to initialize ipv4 should be considered fatal with respect to the network service startup, i.e even if ipv6 is enabled and successfully initialized, the link will not be considered UP if ipv4 cannot be initialized.
ipv6Initboolean If set to true, initialize this interface for ipv6 addressing. If set to false, do not initialize this interface for ipv6 addressing. False is the default value. This setting is required for ipv6 static and DHCP assignment of ipv6 addresses. It does not affect ipv6 Stateless Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC) as per RFC 4862.
ipv6FailureIsFatalboolean Whether a failure to initialize ipv6 should be considered fatal with respect to the network service startup, i.e even if ipv4 is enabled and successfully initialized, the link will not be considered UP if ipv6 cannot be initialized.
ipv6AutoConfigboolean Defines whether this ipv6 interface has auto configuration turned on
mtuint Maximum transmission unit for Ipv4 traffic through this interface
ipv6Mtuint Maximum transmission unit for ipv6 traffic through this interface
interfaceTypePlcmNetworkInterfaceType Specifies the type of interface
bootProtocolPlcmNetworkBootProtocol Defines the boot protocol setting for this interface
onBootboolean Defines whether interface is enabled on system boot up
hardwareAddressPlcmPhysAddress The hardware address of the physical device or in the case of a bond interface, the hardware address to use for the channel (link aggregator)
bondMasterBondMaster The name of the interface that is the master interface when bonding multiple interfaces
bondSlaveboolean true means this device is controlled by the channel bonding interface specified in the bond-master; false means otherwise.
ipv6Privacyboolean Defines whether this ipv6 interface has the privacy feature turned on
ipv6Dhcpboolean Defines whether this interface has DHCP feature turned on for ipv6
ipv6DhcpOptionsArray of PlcmIpv6DhcpOption Defines the DHCP options for ipv6 for this interface, if DHCP is turned on
dhcpHostNamePlcmDomainName The hostname of the DHCP server
peerDnsboolean When set to true, the DNS nameservers assigned by DHCP will be automatically added to the DNS configuration (/etc/resolv.conf) file. The DNS nameservers may be specified as one (or more) addresses for the interface with address-type set to DNS and an order value specified, e.g. 1,2,3. When using DHCP and specifying nameservers in this fashion, this option should be set to false, which will NOT write the DHCP assigned nameservers to the DNS configuration file.
defRouteboolean Whether this interface represents the default gateway for the server
uuidUuid Universally unique identifier for the network interface.
dnsDomainPlcmDomainName DNS domain name for the server
hotPlugboolean Whether the interface should be activated when it is hot-plugged
appConfigstring Any application specific configuration that might be associated with this interface
natAddressPlcmInetAddress IP address on the external firewall behind which the service is hosted.

PlcmLoopbackInterface Fields

rulesArray of PlcmNetworkRoutingRule
routesArray of PlcmNetworkRoute
subInterfacesArray of PlcmSubInterface
addressesArray of PlcmNetworkAddress
namestring A descriptive name for the interface.
deviceNamestring Defines the name for the device to be configured, e.g. eth0 Mandatory
statePlcmNetworkInterfaceState For a live network configuration, this value will not be null and will reflect the current operational state of the interface. For a saved network configuration, this value will be null.
readOnlyboolean Informs the client whether this interface can have its settings changed via this API
macAddressPlcmMacAddress This address overrides the physical MAC address for this interface. The physical MAC address is found on the ethernet-interface container defined later in this module and is referred to as the hardware address.
ipv4FailureIsFatalboolean Whether a failure to initialize ipv4 should be considered fatal with respect to the network service startup, i.e even if ipv6 is enabled and successfully initialized, the link will not be considered UP if ipv4 cannot be initialized.
ipv6Initboolean If set to true, initialize this interface for ipv6 addressing. If set to false, do not initialize this interface for ipv6 addressing. False is the default value. This setting is required for ipv6 static and DHCP assignment of ipv6 addresses. It does not affect ipv6 Stateless Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC) as per RFC 4862.
ipv6FailureIsFatalboolean Whether a failure to initialize ipv6 should be considered fatal with respect to the network service startup, i.e even if ipv4 is enabled and successfully initialized, the link will not be considered UP if ipv6 cannot be initialized.
ipv6AutoConfigboolean Defines whether this ipv6 interface has auto configuration turned on
mtuint Maximum transmission unit for Ipv4 traffic through this interface
ipv6Mtuint Maximum transmission unit for ipv6 traffic through this interface
interfaceTypePlcmNetworkInterfaceType Specifies the type of interface
bootProtocolPlcmNetworkBootProtocol Defines the boot protocol setting for this interface
onBootboolean Defines whether interface is enabled on system boot up
hardwareAddressPlcmPhysAddress The hardware address of the physical device or in the case of a bond interface, the hardware address to use for the channel (link aggregator)

PlcmBondInterfaceList Fields

plcmBondInterfaceList Array of PlcmBondInterfaceSee Definition of PlcmBondInterface

PlcmBondInterface Fields

servicesArray of PlcmService
optionsArray of PlcmBondingOption
rulesArray of PlcmNetworkRoutingRule
routesArray of PlcmNetworkRoute
subInterfacesArray of PlcmSubInterface
searchPathElementsArray of SearchPathElement
addressesArray of PlcmNetworkAddress
namestring A descriptive name for the interface.
deviceNamestring Defines the name for the device to be configured, e.g. eth0 Mandatory
statePlcmNetworkInterfaceState For a live network configuration, this value will not be null and will reflect the current operational state of the interface. For a saved network configuration, this value will be null.
dscpint The Differentiated Services marker for outgoing traffic originating on the interface.
readOnlyboolean Informs the client whether this interface can have its settings changed via this API
macAddressPlcmMacAddress This address overrides the physical MAC address for this interface. The physical MAC address is found on the ethernet-interface container defined later in this module and is referred to as the hardware address.
ipv4FailureIsFatalboolean Whether a failure to initialize ipv4 should be considered fatal with respect to the network service startup, i.e even if ipv6 is enabled and successfully initialized, the link will not be considered UP if ipv4 cannot be initialized.
ipv6Initboolean If set to true, initialize this interface for ipv6 addressing. If set to false, do not initialize this interface for ipv6 addressing. False is the default value. This setting is required for ipv6 static and DHCP assignment of ipv6 addresses. It does not affect ipv6 Stateless Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC) as per RFC 4862.
ipv6FailureIsFatalboolean Whether a failure to initialize ipv6 should be considered fatal with respect to the network service startup, i.e even if ipv4 is enabled and successfully initialized, the link will not be considered UP if ipv6 cannot be initialized.
ipv6AutoConfigboolean Defines whether this ipv6 interface has auto configuration turned on
mtuint Maximum transmission unit for Ipv4 traffic through this interface
ipv6Mtuint Maximum transmission unit for ipv6 traffic through this interface
ipv6Privacyboolean Defines whether this ipv6 interface has the privacy feature turned on
ipv6Dhcpboolean Defines whether this interface has DHCP feature turned on for ipv6
ipv6DhcpOptionsArray of PlcmIpv6DhcpOption Defines the DHCP options for ipv6 for this interface, if DHCP is turned on
dhcpHostNamePlcmDomainName The hostname of the DHCP server
peerDnsboolean When set to true, the DNS nameservers assigned by DHCP will be automatically added to the DNS configuration (/etc/resolv.conf) file. The DNS nameservers may be specified as one (or more) addresses for the interface with address-type set to DNS and an order value specified, e.g. 1,2,3. When using DHCP and specifying nameservers in this fashion, this option should be set to false, which will NOT write the DHCP assigned nameservers to the DNS configuration file.
defRouteboolean Whether this interface represents the default gateway for the server
dnsDomainPlcmDomainName DNS domain name for the server
interfaceTypePlcmNetworkInterfaceType Specifies the type of interface
bootProtocolPlcmNetworkBootProtocol Defines the boot protocol setting for this interface
onBootboolean Defines whether interface is enabled on system boot up
hardwareAddressPlcmPhysAddress The hardware address of the physical device or in the case of a bond interface, the hardware address to use for the channel (link aggregator)
appConfigstring Any application specific configuration that might be associated with this interface

PlcmSubInterface Fields

servicesArray of PlcmService
rulesArray of PlcmNetworkRoutingRule
routesArray of PlcmNetworkRoute
searchPathElementsArray of SearchPathElement
addressesArray of PlcmNetworkAddress
namestring A descriptive name for the interface.
deviceNamestring Defines the device name for the sub-interface to be configured, e.g. eth0.1, eth0.2, etc. NOTE: When configuring VLAN sub-interfaces, the sub-interface suffix number (.1, .2, etc.) MUST match the ID of the virtual network, i.e. the VLAN tag. For example, to configure a sub-interface of eth0 to use VLAN 492, the number suffix for the device name MUST be .492 resulting in the device name: eth0.492 Mandatory
statePlcmNetworkInterfaceState For a live network configuration, this value will not be null and will reflect the current operational state of the interface. For a saved network configuration, this value will be null.
dscpint The Differentiated Services marker for outgoing traffic originating on the interface.
readOnlyboolean Informs the client whether this interface can have its settings changed via this API
macAddressPlcmMacAddress This address overrides the physical MAC address for this interface. The physical MAC address is found on the ethernet-interface container defined later in this module and is referred to as the hardware address.
ipv4FailureIsFatalboolean Whether a failure to initialize ipv4 should be considered fatal with respect to the network service startup, i.e even if ipv6 is enabled and successfully initialized, the link will not be considered UP if ipv4 cannot be initialized.
ipv6Initboolean If set to true, initialize this interface for ipv6 addressing. If set to false, do not initialize this interface for ipv6 addressing. False is the default value. This setting is required for ipv6 static and DHCP assignment of ipv6 addresses. It does not affect ipv6 Stateless Address Auto-Configuration (SLAAC) as per RFC 4862.
ipv6FailureIsFatalboolean Whether a failure to initialize ipv6 should be considered fatal with respect to the network service startup, i.e even if ipv4 is enabled and successfully initialized, the link will not be considered UP if ipv6 cannot be initialized.
ipv6AutoConfigboolean Defines whether this ipv6 interface has auto configuration turned on
mtuint Maximum transmission unit for Ipv4 traffic through this interface
ipv6Mtuint Maximum transmission unit for ipv6 traffic through this interface
ipv6Privacyboolean Defines whether this ipv6 interface has the privacy feature turned on
ipv6Dhcpboolean Defines whether this interface has DHCP feature turned on for ipv6
ipv6DhcpOptionsArray of PlcmIpv6DhcpOption Defines the DHCP options for ipv6 for this interface, if DHCP is turned on
dhcpHostNamePlcmDomainName The hostname of the DHCP server
peerDnsboolean When set to true, the DNS nameservers assigned by DHCP will be automatically added to the DNS configuration (/etc/resolv.conf) file. The DNS nameservers may be specified as one (or more) addresses for the interface with address-type set to DNS and an order value specified, e.g. 1,2,3. When using DHCP and specifying nameservers in this fashion, this option should be set to false, which will NOT write the DHCP assigned nameservers to the DNS configuration file.
defRouteboolean Whether this interface represents the default gateway for the server
dnsDomainPlcmDomainName DNS domain name for the server
bootProtocolPlcmNetworkBootProtocol Defines the boot protocol setting for this interface
onParentboolean If set to true, the sub-interface will be brought up/down when the parent interface is brought up/down.
vlanboolean If set to true, the sub-interface is for a VLAN network. The VLAN id is part of the device name.
appConfigstring Any application specific configuration that might be associated with this interface

DriverInfo Fields

driverNamestring Name of the network interface driver
driverVersionstring Version of the network interface driver
firmwareVersionstring Version of the firmware used by the network interface driver

Nested Types/Restrictions

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=32