plcm-network-provisioning-profile-sip-settings.xsd Documentation

Imported Namespaces

Target Namespace


plcm-network-provisioning-profile-sip-settings  PlcmNetworkProvisioningProfileSipSettings

Describes network provisioning profile sip settings

Complex Types

PlcmNetworkProvisioningProfileSipSettings Fields

atomLinkList List of linkSee Definition of link
enable-sipxs:boolean If SIP is enabled Mandatory
automatically-discover-sip-serversxs:boolean if auto discover sip servers Mandatory
proxy-serverxs:string proxy server address
registrar-serverxs:string registrar server address
backup-proxy-serverxs:string backup proxy server address
backup-registrar-serverxs:string backup registrar server address
transport-protocol-enumTransportProtocolEnum Transport protocol
server-typexs:string Server type.Standard,Polycom,Microsoft,Siemens,BroadSoft,Avaya,Cisco.
verify-certificatexs:boolean if verify certificates Mandatory
use-endpoint-provisioning-credentialsxs:boolean if use endpoint provisioning credentials Mandatory
use-enterprise-urixs:boolean if use enterprise uri Mandatory
common-sip-user-namexs:string Common sip username
common-sip-passwordxs:string Common sip password
entity-tagEntityTag The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance.

Simple Types

Length of value must be >=1
Length of value must be <=64
Value must be one of:
  • AUTO
  • UDP
  • TCP
  • TLS