plcm-registration-policy-debug-request-v2.xsd Documentation

Target Namespace


plcm-registration-policy-debug-request-v2  PlcmRegistrationPolicyDebugRequestV2

Request to debug the scripts. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-registration-policy-debug-request-v2+xml.

Complex Types

PlcmRegistrationPolicyDebugRequestV2 Fields

ep-defined-in-cmaxs:boolean This parameter will tells polycom realpresence DMA system is integrated with a RealPresence Resource Manager or CMA system and the endpoint is defined in that system.
ep-h323-dial-digits-aliasList of xs:string Endpoint alias value associated with H.323 dialedDigits or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
ep-h323-email-id-aliasList of xs:string Endpoint alias value associated with H.323 email-ID or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
ep-h323-H323-id-aliasList of xs:string Endpoint alias value associated with H.323 H323-ID or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
ep-h323-transport-id-aliasList of xs:string Endpoint alias value associated with H.323 transportID or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
ep-h323-url-id-aliasList of xs:string Endpoint alias value associated with H.323 URL-ID or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
ep-ipList of xs:string This is endpoint IP address. Enter it here in normal dot or colon notation (such as for IPv4). In the script, this is represented as an array. If the IP address is IPv4, there are 4 elements in the array. If the IP address is IPv6, there are 8 elements in the array.
ep-is-ipv4xs:boolean It will return TRUE if the endpoint ip is IPV4, else it will be blank
ep-is-ipv6xs:boolean It will return TRUE if the endpoint ip is IPV6, else it will be blank
ep-modelxs:string It will tells the endpoint model name
ep-ownerxs:string It will tells the endpoint owner name
ep-owner-domainxs:string It will tells the endpoint domain name
ep-reg-is-h323xs:boolean It will returns true if the registration request uses H.323 signaling. Blank otherwise.
ep-reg-is-sipxs:boolean It will returns true if the registration request uses SIP signaling. Blank otherwise.
ep-sip-sip-uri-aliasList of xs:string Endpoint alias value associated with SIP sip: URI or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
ep-sip-sips-uri-aliasList of xs:string Endpoint alias value associated with SIP SIPS: URI or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
ep-sip-tel-uri-aliasList of xs:string Endpoint alias value associated with SIP TEL: URI or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
ep-versionxs:string It is the endpoint software version number.
reg-is-permanentxs:boolean It will returns true if endpoint is already permanently registered. Blank otherwise.
reg-site-digitsxs:int Number of digits in the subscriber number configured for the site where the endpoint is attempting to register.
reg-site-namexs:int It is the site where endpoint is attempting to register.
reg-subnet-ip-addressList of xs:string IP address of the subnet where the endpoint is attempting to register. Enter it here in normal dot or colon notation (such as for IPv4).In the script, this is represented as an array. If the IP address is IPv4, there are 4 elements in the array. If the IP address is IPv6, there are 8 elements in the array.
reg-subnet-maskList of xs:string IP mask of the subnet where the endpoint is attempting to register. Enter it here in normal dot or colon notation (such as for IPv4). In the script, this is represented as an array. If the IP address is IPv4, there are 4 elements in the array. If the IP address is IPv6, there are 8 elements in the array.
reg-allow-list-addressesList of xs:string Endpoint addresses that registrations are only allowed from or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
reg-allow-list-aliasesList of xs:string Endpoint aliases that registrations are only allowed from or blank. This is an array that can contain multiple values. Separate the values with commas.
endpoint-sitexs:string A site to use to set the first four variables. REG_SITE_AREA_CODE REG_SITE_COUNTRY_CODE REG_SITE_DIGITS REG_SITE_NAME
scriptxs:string An executable Javascript script which will be debugged using attributes of this request. Mandatory
endpoint-provisionedxs:boolean The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isEndpointProvisioned() " function. Default value is False
endpoint-registeredxs:boolean The value supplied here becomes the return value from the " isEndpointRegistered() " function. Default value is False