dial-string |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls associated with this dial string.
cluster |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls associated with this cluster.
territory |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls associated with this territory name.
originator |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls originated from this IP address,
alias or device name.
destination |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls terminated to this IP address,
alias or device name.
protocol |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls associated with this protocol.
site |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls associated with this site.
status |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls for which associated device has this registration status.
service-level |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls having this service level.
from-bit-rate |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls having this as minimum bit rate.
to-bit-rate |
xs:string |
Retrieve active calls having this as maximum bit rate.
sort-key |
xs:string |
Sort the result based on this key.
Sort key can have following values.
'start-time': Sort the result by start time.
'originator': Sort the result by originator address.
'destination': Sort the result by destination address.
'dial-string': Sort the result by dial string.
'bit-rate': Sort the result by bit rate.
'service-class': Sort the result by service class.
sort-order |
xs:string |
Sort the result based on this direction.
Sort order can have following values:
'ascending': Sort the result in ascending order.
'descending': Sort the result in descending order.
To specify default sort order, this parameter should be null.
limit |
xs:int |
Limit the number of users returned to this number, even if more results match the query.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 500; values between 501 and 2147483647 will result in the default limit of 500 being
Note 2: If the limit value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 500 will be used.
Note 3: If the limit value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.
page |
xs:int |
When limiting the results, this specifies which page/subset of data to view.
Note 1: The valid integer range is 1 to 2147483647.
Note 2: If the page value is less than or equal to 0, the default of 1 will be used.
Note 3: If the page value is greater than 2147483647, the system will respond with "404 Not Found".
This is a framework response that is due to a numeric value that exceeds a integer type.