An MCU available the DMA system. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-mcu-v2+xml. All attributes are used in ETag calculation except for dma-audio-ports, dma-video-ports, dma-used-audio-ports, dma-used-video-ports, total-used-audio-ports, total-used-video-port, entity-tag and atom-link.
Name | Type | Description | Attributes |
atomLinkList | Array of Link | See Definition of Link | |
plcmMcuCapacity | PlcmMcuCapacity | See Definition of PlcmMcuCapacity | |
mcuIdentifier | string | Unique identifier of the MCU. | |
name | string | Name of the MCU. | Mandatory |
managementIp | string | Management IP of MCU. | |
mcuType | McuType | Type of MCU. | Mandatory |
overlap | boolean | If the MCU is in more than one pool. | Mandatory |
reservedAudioPorts | unsignedShort | The number of audio ports on the MCU that is off-limits to DMA. | Mandatory |
reservedVideoPorts | unsignedShort | The number of video ports on the MCU that is off-limits to DMA. | Mandatory |
dmaAudioPorts | unsignedShort | The number of audio ports on the MCU that is available to the DMA. | |
dmaVideoPorts | unsignedShort | The number of video ports on the MCU that is available to the DMA. | |
dmaUsedAudioPorts | unsignedShort | The number of audio ports on the MCU that is currently used by DMA. | |
dmaUsedVideoPorts | unsignedShort | The number of video ports on the MCU that is currently used by DMA. | |
totalUsedAudioPorts | unsignedShort | Total number of audio ports on the MCU that is currently used. | |
totalUsedVideoPorts | unsignedShort | Total number of video ports on the MCU that is currently used. | |
maxBitRate | MaxBitRate | Maximum bit rate for calls to the MCU. | |
supportsSVC | boolean | If the MCU supports SVC conference. | |
passback | Passback | User defined value that is opaque to the system | |
entityTag | EntityTag | The unique value generated from the server object instance. This value is the same value that MUST be applied to the HTTP Entity Tag (ETag) header for a single instance of this object. Client modification of this field is not allowed for this instance. |
Name | Type | Restrictions |
EntityTag | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=64 |
Passback | string | Length of value must be >=1 Length of value must be <=512 |
MaxBitRate | int | |
McuType | string | Value must be one of: