plcm-throttle-point-reference.xsd Documentation

Target Namespace


plcm-throttle-point-reference  PlcmThrottlePointReference

Throttle point that the call traverses. Content-Type: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-throttle-point-reference+xml

Complex Types

PlcmThrottlePointReference Fields

throttle-pointxs:string Name of site. Mandatory
call-bit-rate-limitxs:string Bit rate limit per call (kbps).
total-capacityxs:string Total capacity (kbps).
used-gold-bandwidthxs:string Used bit rate (kbps) in gold.
used-silver-bandwidthxs:string Used bit rate (kbps) in silver.
used-bronze-bandwidthxs:string Used bit rate (kbps) in bronze.
weightxs:string Weight (%).
territoryxs:string Territory value.
typexs:string Type of throttle point.
owner-site-namexs:string Owner site name.