Resources | Methods |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/registration-policies |
Retrieves the list of registration policies.
POST Creates a registration policy. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/registration-policies/{registration-policy-identifier} |
Retrieves a single registration policy.
PUT Updates an existing registration policy. DELETE Deletes the registration policy. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/registration-policies/{registration-policy-identifier}/debug-postliminary |
A debug mechanism for a registration policy script.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/registration-policies/apply |
Applies all currently defined policies to existing registered endpoints.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/registration-policies/defaults |
Get default values for a DMA registration policy.
GETRetrieves the list of registration policies. [tags: DMA] Response
POSTCreates a registration policy. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
Name | Type | Description |
registration-policy-identifier | xs:string | The unique identifier of the registration policy. |
GETRetrieves a single registration policy. [tags: DMA] Response
PUTUpdates an existing registration policy. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
DELETEDeletes the registration policy. [tags: DMA] Response
Name | Type | Description |
registration-policy-identifier | xs:string | The unique identifier of the registration policy. |
POSTA debug mechanism for a registration policy script. You can specify various parameters and debug the input script. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
POSTApplies all currently defined policies to existing registered endpoints. [tags: DMA] Response
GETGet default values for a DMA registration policy. [tags: DMA] Response