Resources | Methods |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/integrate-with-peer |
Requests the server to integrate with a peer site topology server.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/unintegrate-from-peer/{site-topology-peer} |
Request the server to unintegrate with the specified peer.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/integration-status |
Request the current site topology integration status from the server.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/territory-site-qos-statistics |
Request site topology Quality Of Service statistics for all sites in the requested territory.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/site-qos-statistics |
Request site topology Quality Of Service statistics for a specific site.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/site-qos-statistics-list |
GET Retrieves information list of site statistics.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/territory-site-link-qos-statistics |
Request site topology Quality Of Service statistics for all site links in the requested territory.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/site-link-qos-statistics |
Request site topology Quality Of Service statistics for a specific site link.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/site-link-qos-statistics-list |
GET Retrieves information of site link list.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/local-supercluster-node |
Request the supercluster node information from the server.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/supercluster-node |
Request the Supercluster node information for the specified node.
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/sites |
Retrieves the list of existing sites.
POST Create a single site. POST Creates multiple sites. PUT Updates multiple sites. POST Deletes multiple sites. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/sites/{site-identifier} |
Retrieves a single site based on the site's unique identifier.
PUT Updates a site specified by the specified site identifier. DELETE Deletes the Site specified by the specified site identifier. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/site-links |
Get all site links.
POST Creates a site link definition. POST Creates multiple site links. PUT Updates multiple site links. POST Deletes multiple site links. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/site-links/{site-link-identifier} |
Retrieves information about a site link.
PUT Updates information about a site link. DELETE Deletes a site link. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/site-to-site-exclusions |
Get all site-to-site exclusions.
POST Creates a site-to-site exclusion. POST Creates multiple site to site exclusions. POST Deletes multiple site to site exclusions. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/site-to-site-exclusions/{site-to-site-exclusion-identifier} |
Retrieves information about a site-to-site exclusion.
DELETE Deletes a site-to-site exclusion. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/network-clouds |
Get all network clouds.
POST Creates a network cloud. POST Creates multiple network clouds. PUT Updates multiple network clouds. POST Deletes multiple network clouds. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/network-clouds/{network-cloud-identifier} |
Retrieves information about a network cloud.
PUT Update a network cloud. DELETE Delete a network cloud. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/local-ice-reflexive-addresses |
Retrieves the list of existing local ICE reflexive addresses.
POST Creates a local ICE reflexive address. |
https://localhost:8443/api/rest/site-topology/local-ice-reflexive-addresses/{address-uuid} |
Retrieves a single address based on the address's unique identifier.
PUT Updates an address specified by the specified address-uuid. DELETE Deletes the address specified by the specified address-uuid DMA roles required: administrator [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] . |
POSTRequests the server to integrate with a peer site topology server. If successful, the server's current site topology will be overwritten by the site topology of the peer. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
site-topology-peer | xs:string | Fully qualified domain name or IP address of the site topology peear server to unintegrate from. |
POSTRequest the server to unintegrate with the specified peer. As the server can only integrate with a single peer, the site topology server provided in the request must match the site topology peer currently integrated with. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] Response
GETRequest the current site topology integration status from the server. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] Response
GETRequest site topology Quality Of Service statistics for all sites in the requested territory. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestQuery Parameters
GETRequest site topology Quality Of Service statistics for a specific site. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestQuery Parameters
GETRetrieves information list of site statistics.[tags:DMA] RequestResponse
GETRequest site topology Quality Of Service statistics for all site links in the requested territory. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestQuery Parameters
GETRequest site topology Quality Of Service statistics for a specific site link. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestQuery Parameters
GETRetrieves information of site link list.[tags:DMA] RequestResponse
GETRequest the supercluster node information from the server. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] Response
GETRequest the Supercluster node information for the specified node. [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestQuery Parameters
GETRetrieves the list of existing sites. DMA roles required: administrator, provisioner [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTCreate a single site. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentationsResponse
POSTCreates multiple sites. Use this with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of sites to create. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
PUTUpdates multiple sites. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of sites being updated. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
POSTDeletes multiple sites. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of sites being deleted. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
site-identifier | xs:string | identifier of the site. |
GETRetrieves a single site based on the site's unique identifier. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] Response
PUTUpdates a site specified by the specified site identifier. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentationsResponse
DELETEDeletes the Site specified by the specified site identifier. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] Response
GETGet all site links. [tags: DMA] Response
POSTCreates a site link definition. Name, from site identifier, and to site identifier are required. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentationsResponse
POSTCreates multiple site links. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of site links being created. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
PUTUpdates multiple site links. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of site links being updated. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
POSTDeletes multiple site links. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of territories being deleted. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
site-link-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the site link |
GETRetrieves information about a site link. [tags: DMA] Response
PUTUpdates information about a site link. [tags: DMA]RequestRepresentationsResponse
DELETEDeletes a site link. [tags: DMA]Response
GETGet all site-to-site exclusions. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTCreates a site-to-site exclusion. From/to site identifier, and to/from site identifier are required. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
POSTCreates multiple site to site exclusions. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of exclusions being created. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
POSTDeletes multiple site to site exclusions. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of exclusions being deleted. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
site-to-site-exclusion-identifier | xs:string | Unique identifier of the site-to-site exclusion. |
GETRetrieves information about a site-to-site exclusion. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
DELETEDeletes a site-to-site exclusion. [tags: DMA]RequestResponse
GETGet all network clouds. [tags: DMA] RequestResponse
POSTCreates a network cloud. With version 2, a list of site links may be supplied with the network cloud. If supplied all site links will be created assuming the site they reference exists. Name is required. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
POSTCreates multiple network clouds. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of network clouds being created. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
PUTUpdates multiple network clouds. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of network clouds being updated. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
POSTDeletes multiple network clouds. Use with caution as the amount of time it will take for a response will be dependent of the number of network clouds being deleted. DMA roles required: administrator [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
network-cloud-identifier | xs:string | network cloud identifier |
GETRetrieves information about a network cloud. [tags: DMA] Response
PUTUpdate a network cloud. With version 2, the network cloud data also contains the list of site links connected to the cloud. The network cloud on the serve will be updated to match the supplied list of site links. [tags: DMA] RequestRepresentations
DELETEDelete a network cloud. [tags: DMA] Response
GETRetrieves the list of existing local ICE reflexive addresses. DMA roles required: administrator, provisioner [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestResponse
POSTCreates a local ICE reflexive address. DMA roles required: administrator [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestRepresentations
Name | Type | Description |
uid | xs:string | identifier of the address. |
GETRetrieves a single address based on the address's unique identifier. DMA roles required: administrator, provisioner [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] Response
PUTUpdates an address specified by the specified address-uuid. The address-uuids of existing addresses must be preserved in the update request to the server. DMA roles required: administrator [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] RequestRepresentations
DELETEDeletes the address specified by the specified address-uuid DMA roles required: administrator [tags:DMA_INTERNAL] Response