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As of August 29, 2022, HP Inc. completed the acquisition of Poly. For HP product support, please visit the HP Customer Support site.

End of life policy

Poly is continually striving to bring new solutions and features to market that help our customers address their most pressing business needs and maximize their business results. Associated with the continuing life cycle of product innovation, we will on occasion discontinue the sale of certain products and provision of services related to those products (“End of Life”). To assist our customers in transitioning from legacy products to newer technology and next generation solutions, Poly has established the End of Life Policy set forth in Table 1.

Use our Product End of Life Search tool (login required) to search for End of Life or End of Service dates by Product Family, Product Model, Product ID or Product Description.

Highlights of Poly’s End of Life Policy are as follows:

End of Sale Notice. We will generally provide 60 days to 6 months lead-time notification for the last time buy of a product (“End of Sale”).

1. The 60 day lead time can be expected for products when Poly determines there is a sufficiently similar product replacement available.
2. Up to 6 months lead time can be expected for products where Poly determines customers may need a longer period of time to test and implement replacement products.

Active Service Customers. For customers covered by an active services agreement, for each End of Life product and up to the time periods set forth below, Poly Global Services (PGS) will provide the following per the terms of the active agreement:

1. Technical support for both hardware and software issues will be available for up to 5 years from the End of Sale;
2. Spares or replacement parts for hardware will be available for up to 5 years from the End of Sale; and
3. Software bug fix support will be provided as follows:

  • Critical software bug fixes will be provided for 12 months following End of Sale; and
  • Critical security bug fixes may be provided past 12 months, up to the end of PGS support.

Time and Materials Customers. Customers not covered by an active services agreement for the End of Life product may continue to purchase hardware RMA Services on a time and materials basis for a period of up to 2 years from the End of Sale, subject to availability.


Changes to Poly's End of Life Policy

Although every effort will be made to support End of Life products in accordance with our End of Life Policy, Poly reserves the right to change its Policy as it deems appropriate. Poly will announce any changes to the End of Life Policy through the Poly Website.

For additional information regarding upgrades and recommended replacements for the End of Life products, please contact your Poly Sales Representative or Authorized Poly Reseller.

The below table provides full details on Poly’s End of Life Policy:

Support Provided
(Note 1)


General Availability
(Note 2)


End of Life Notification

60 days to 6 months


End of Sale Support
(Note 3)
End of Services Support


Up to 5 Years
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
HW / SW Technical Support Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
Apply Existing SW Bug Fixes Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
HW Repair and Return Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N
T+M HW Repair and Return (Note 4) Y Y Y Y N N N N
New Features / Enhancements Y N N N N N N N
New Non-Critical SW Bug Fixes Y N N N N N N N
New Critical SW Bug Fixes Y Y Y N N N N N
New Security Fixes Y Y Y (Note 5) N


Table 1. Poly End of Life Policy



1. Unless noted otherwise, support is only available to customers with an active services agreement.
2. For information on Poly support policy for Active (General Availability) products, refer to:
3. Poly will offer up to 5 years of Technical Support and 5 years of Hardware Repair / Replace Service (subject to inventory availability). The actual support timeframe for a given product (typically 3 - 5 years), will be specified in the End of Sale notification.
4. Time & Material hardware RMA service is available to customers not covered by an active services agreement.
5. Poly will attempt to provide critical security-related fixes throughout the EOL support Phase. This may not be possible in some cases, and Poly in its sole discretion will determine what fixes, if any, are provided. Customers may need to upgrade to a newer release.

The terms set forth in this End of Life Policy may also be modified by the specific terms and conditions contained in any applicable warranty, End of Life notification, or other binding agreements between the parties specifically related to the subject matter herein.