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Poly Trademark Guidelines 

These Poly Trademark Guidelines (“Guidelines”) are for authorized resellers, licensees, customers, and other parties interested in using Poly’s logo and trademarks.  If you are a licensee of Poly logos or trademarks under a separate license agreement or terms, please follow those guidelines.  If your agreement does not provide usage guidelines, then these Guidelines shall apply. 

Poly has a broad portfolio of trademarks which includes words, logos, slogans, images, designs, colors, product packaging and product shapes. Poly’s trademarks are valuable intellectual property which must be protected and used in accordance with these Guidelines.

Do not use the Poly corporate logo unless you have prior written permission from Poly. Use of the Poly corporate logo and other brand assets such as product and lifestyle images is limited to licensees authorized by Poly in writing. Licensees must use the logo in accordance with the Poly Logo Usage Guidelines for Third Parties as provided by Poly.

By using Poly’s trademarks, you acknowledge Poly is the sole owner of the trademarks and you agree not to interfere or challenge Poly’s rights in the trademarks, including challenging Poly’s use or registration of the trademarks. The goodwill derived from using any Poly trademark inures to the benefit of and belongs to Poly. Except for the limited right to use Poly’s trademarks as expressly permitted under these Guidelines, no other rights are granted.

Use of Poly trademarks is further subject to the following: 

1. Use Poly’s trademarks precisely as shown on the Poly Trademark List . This is a non-exhaustive list and absence of a trademark from the list does not constitute a waiver of any intellectual property rights that Poly may have established.

2. Include a trademark notice following this format: “_____________ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Plantronics, Inc.”

3. Always use Poly’s trademarks as adjectives, modifying nouns which are the generic name for the product. As adjectives, Poly’s trademarks should not be pluralized or used in the possessive form. Refer to the Poly Trademark List for the appropriate combination of Poly trademarks and generic names.

Correct usage:

“Poly Sync speakerphones provide remarkable sound for meetings and music.”

Incorrect usage:

"The sound quality of my Poly Sync is amazing.”

4. Do not alter Poly trademarks in any manner. 

5. Do not translate Poly trademarks into languages other than English or use them in wordplay, puns, jokes, or in a manner that is likely to dilute, defame, disparage, harm or bring into disrepute any Poly trademark or the Poly brand. 

6. Do not copy or imitate the Poly trade dress, which is the "look and feel" of Poly’s packaging, logos and website.

7. Do not use Poly trademarks more prominently than your business name on any materials such as brochures, websites and other marketing communications or materials.

8. Do not use any Poly trademarks in a manner likely to cause confusion about the origin of any product, technology, program, service or other offering.

9. Do not use the Poly trademarks in a way that implies an affiliation, endorsement,  sponsorship, or approval by Poly  of your products or services.

10. Do not include Poly trademarks or words similar to Poly trademarks as part of or in combination with your company name, product name, domain name registration, taglines or slogans.

11. Do not use trademarks that are confusingly similar to Poly’s trademarks.

12. Do not register or use domain names that incorporate Poly trademarks.

Poly reserves the right to modify these Guidelines at any time and take appropriate actions against any unauthorized use of the Poly trademarks. 

Contact the Poly trademark team at with any questions about Poly trademarks.