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Poly Systems - Multiple Bash Vulnerabilities (Shellshock)

Vulnerability Summary

Two vulnerabilities in the GNU Bash shell allow for the execution of arbitrary code.  Note that a partial fix was enacted to address the first vulnerability in the GNU Bash shell that inadvertently produced its own vulnerability.  Both vulnerabilities involve the processing of environment variables and/or their values.



CVE-2014-6271 - “Shellshock”
In GNU Bash versions 4.3 bash43-025 and prior, an exploit of environment variable mechanics with regards to trailing strings allows the attacker to bypass or override environmental restrictions and run arbitrary code.


In GNU Bash versions 4.3 bash43-025 and prior, an exploit of environment variable mechanics with regards to function definitions allows the attacker to bypass or override environmental restrictions and run arbitrary code.


GNU Bash versions 4.3 bash43-025 and prior process environment variable values in a way that allows trailing strings to be added by an attacker, thus allowing the execution of arbitrary code.


CVE-2014-7186 - “redir_stack” issue
parse.y in GNU Bash versions through 4.3 bash43-026 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) caused by a redirection implementation error (out-of-bounds array).


CVE-2014-7187 - “word_lineo” issue
parse.y in GNU Bash versions through 4.3 bash43-026 allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (application crash) caused by an off-by-one error in the read_token_word function (out-of-bounds array).


Last Update: 3/4/2022
Initial Public Release: 9/25/2014
Advisory ID:  PLYGN14-03


CVE ID: CVE-2014-6271
CVSS Score: 10.0


CVE ID: CVE-2014-6277
CVSS Score: 10.0


CVE ID: CVE-2014-7169
CVSS Score: 10.0


CVE ID: CVE-2014-7186
CVSS Score: 10.0


CVE ID: CVE-2014-7187
CVSS Score: 10.0

Untitled Document

Product Affected
CloudAXIS Experience Portal and Service Portal Vulnerable – Bash Upgrade mid-November Web - not vulnerable (web server does not set environment variables) SIP – not vulnerable (stack tested by security team) DHCP - vulnerable (DHCP client does not implement DHCP addresses received, but does “fetch” them for the VM’s) SSH – Vulnerable (use of a restricted shell actually causes vulnerability in this place)
Distributed Media Application Fixed in
6.0.1_P2_HF1 6.1.1_P1_HF1
Web – not vulnerable (web server does not set environment variables) SIP – not vulnerable (stack tested by security team) DHCP – not vulnerable (DMA does not use DHCP) SSH – vulnerable (can be disabled)
Recording and Streaming Server 4000 Vulnerable –Bash Upgrade Date Unknown Web – not vulnerable (web server does not set environment variables) SIP – not vulnerable (stack tested by security team) DHCP – vulnerable (set static addresses) SSH – not vulnerable (no SSH capability)
Video Border Proxy Fixed in 11.2.19 N/A N/A N/A N/A
RealPresence AccessDirector Vulnerable – BashUpgrade in Q4 – v4.1.0 Web – not vulnerable (web server does not set environment variables) SIP – Not vulnerable (SIP is Java implementation that does not use environment variables) DHCP – presumed vulnerable, not tested (disable and use static address) SSH – vulnerable (turn off)
Platform Director Vulnerable – BashUpgrade Date Unknown Web – not vulnerable (web server does not support CGI) SIP – not vulnerable (no SIP stack) DHCP – vulnerable (turn off and use static address) SSH – vulnerable (but limited to the one root account)
CSS Gateway & Server Vulnerable – BashUpgrade December Web – presumed not vulnerable, not tested SIP – presumed not vulnerable, not tested DHCP – vulnerable (turn off) SSH – presumed not vulnerable, not tested
Collaboration Server 1800 Vulnerable – Bash Upgradein Q4 – v8.4.2 Web – not vulnerable (no Apache CGI) SIP – not vulnerable (SIP stack does not interface with environment variables) DHCP – presumed not vulnerable (only fires once during out-of-box) SSH – vulnerable (off by default, should not be turned on)
RealPresence ResourceManager Vulnerable – Bash Upgrade in Q4 – v8.3 Web – not vulnerable (web server does not set environment variables) SIP – not vulnerable, no SIP stack DHCP – vulnerable (turn off and use static address) SSH – vulnerable (turn off)
Resource Manager Virtual Edition Vulnerable - BashUpgrade in Q4 – v8.3 Web – not vulnerable (web server does not set environment variables) SIP – not vulnerable, no SIP stack DHCP – presumed vulnerable, not tested (turn off and use static address) SSH – presumed vulnerable, not tested (turn off)
Capture Server Vulnerable Web – presumed vulnerable, not tested SIP – presumed vulnerable, not tested DHCP – vulnerable (turn off, use static address) SSH – presumed vulnerable, not tested
Collaboration Server Virtual Edition Vulnerable - Bash Upgrade in Q4 – v8.4.2 Web – not vulnerable (no Apache CGI) SIP – not vulnerable (SIP stack does not interface with environment variables) DHCP – presumed not vulnerable (DHCP during setup only – if at all) SSH – vulnerable (off by default, should not be turned on)
RMX 1000 and 500

Not Vulnerable

CMA – All Versions

Not Vulnerable

RealPresence Desktop – All Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
RealPresence Mobile – All Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
Media Manager – All Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
CMAD (CMA Desktop) – All Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
CX Product Line, All Video Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
RMX 4000, 2000 and 1500 Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
VVX Phones (w/ and w/out video) –
All Versions
Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
SoundPoint Phones – All Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
SoundStation Phones – All Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
VSX – All Versions, including V700 and V500 Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
CSS Client – All Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
SoundStructure Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
OTX and RPX Immersive Telepresence Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
Viewstation Family, Including FX Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
PTC – Group Series & HDX Versions Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
MGC Family Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A
RSS 2000 Not Vulnerable N/A N/A N/A N/A

As fixes become available for a given product, that information will appear in this bulletin in subsequent releases. Polycom will continue updating this bulletin until all fixes are in place. Polycom recommends that users of any Polycom product listed in the table above as being vulnerable update to the “FIXED” version of their product as soon as such a version becomes available. 



Please read and understand these two mitigation sections before reading about which products are affected, and which come with their own internal mitigations:

Remembering that there are many attack vectors by which this vulnerability can be exploited, any sound mitigation must address this multiplicity of vectors. As well it is important to note that no matter which specific vector is under consideration, there are many possible means of mitigation: Polycom might have mitigated a specific vector on a specific product via programmatic means internal to the product, but it could just as easily be mitigated by a fielding condition. For example, turning off a given service might shut down a vector altogether.

An effective mitigation solution will incorporate strategies both from within the product and within the deployment architecture.

“Shellshock” (Bash vulnerability) is currently exploited via four known possible attack vectors. Note that a given product may or may not support one or all of these attack vectors:

  1. Manipulating CGI calls into the target’s HTTP server
  2. Logging into the target via SSH to the Bash shell
  3. Target’s DCHP client connects to a malicious server
  4. Inserting malicious strings into the target’s SIP stack

Fielding / Deployment Mitigations per Vector
For HTTP, restrict web management access via the whitelist feature on the Polycom product where supported. Whitelisting can also be implemented on the network itself. Network segregation can also isolate all HTTP traffic to known and trusted entities. Additionally, web access can be disabled altogether if the fielding conditions permit.

For SSH, disable shell access. If shell access must be maintained, similar methods to those used above for HTTP may also be deployed (whitelisting, network segregation).

The DHCP client attack vector can be mitigated simply by setting all IP addresses manually (static addresses). When possible, one can also disable DHCP. It is generally good security guidance on infrastructure products to use static addresses anyway. Since no Polycom endpoints (audio or video) are vulnerable to Shellshock, they may continue to use DHCP without concern. Additionally, ensuring that the only DHCP server on the network is non-malicious (via network or other controls) can mitigate this vector. 

For SIP, SIP Authentication can be used to associate all clients with known identities. Network controls such as IDS and IPS can be used. Firewall rules can be monitored for suspicious behavior. H.323 can also be used in lieu of SIP. Network Access Control Lists can be used as either blacklists or whitelists.  SIP networks can be segregated.


Any customer using an affected system who is concerned about this vulnerability within their deployment should contact Poly Technical Support(888) 248-4143, (916) 928-7561, or visit the Poly Support Site.


Revision History
1.0 9/25/2014 Initial Release
1.1 9/29/2014 More products added and more CVE’sadded to vulnerability details list
1.2 9/30/2014 All Poly endpoints cleared, RMX4000/2000/1500 cleared
1.3 10/7/2014 Legacy products added
1.4 10/9/2014 Detailed vulnerabilities ofinfrastructure products established at the vector level
1.5 10/13/2014 First fix announced, better dates andversions for fixes, better vector analysis
1.6 10/18/2014 OTX, RPX, SoundStructure all "notvulnerable." CloudAXIS, RPAD, RPRM vulnerability details updated. DMA fixannounced.
1.7 10/24/2014 MGC and RSS 2000 added, not vulnerable
2.0 3/4/2022 Format Changes

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