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As of August 29, 2022, HP Inc. completed the acquisition of Poly. For HP product support, please visit the HP Customer Support site.


Escalation Requirements

Information Needed  

Network Topology

Please provide detailed information about the network as it relates to the CSS appliance.
This will typically include the following information:


  • FQDN/IP address of the CSS server
    • Found under: Admin Network Configuration

  • IP address of the CSS client machine experiencing issues
    • Found on client PC

  • FQDN/ IP address of the SIP Server used by the CSS. Specify what type of SIP server this is (DMA, Lync, Acme, etc)
    • Found under: Server > SIP Server

  • SIP Proxy Port, SIP Registrar Port and SIP Domain configured in the SIP Server configuration of CSS
    • Found under: Server > SIP Server

  • FQDN/IP Address and SIP ports of any RPADs configured in the CSS
    • Found under: Server > RealPresence Access Director

  • Any potentially relevant client configurations from the provisioning profile, like the conferenceIDRule, encryption setting and SIP Transport setting
    • Found under: Provisioning Provisioning Profile in the Detail pane

  • MatchURI used for Lync calls that route to the Polycom infrastructure. If the customer is not using a Lync static route to send calls to the Poly infrastructure, make note of that instead.
    • Found on the Lync Server
Affected Portion of the System

Indicate what feature is having an issue. The CSS has many components, and it is important it specify what functionality of the system is having problems.

Examples: Plugin issue, provisioning issue, AD integration, content failure, content quality, etc.

Detailed Problem Description

The problem description should include a clear explanation of what is being attempted, and how it fails. Include the results of any troubleshooting that you have done.

Example: When users connect to a VMR with a Lync client using CSS, the plugin never connects and content cannot be shared. DMA call history shows that no call from the plugin ever takes place.

Data Needed

The data required to understand a problem will depend on the type of issue. These guidelines are meant to provide a basic data set which will be useful in many cases, however always attempt to get all data relevant to the problem being experienced.


In all cases, you will want to gather the following

  • Gather CSS system logs with the log level set to Information.
    • System logs (and log level setting) are found under: Report > System Log

  • Gather CSS client logs from the workstation that is experiencing the issue.
    • Full instructions on how to gather CSS Client logs are available in the CSS Administrator Guide in Chapter 7 under the header “Accessing CSS Client Logs”.

The short version is: Close any running email applications (Outlook, Evolution, Thunderbird, etc.). 
Then, open the CSS log collector from the
Start menu under: All Programs > Poly > RealPresence content Add-on for Lync > Log Collector
When the log archive is done being created, enter the email address where you want the logs to be sent.


In cases where provisioning / sign-in issues are experienced

  • Packet captures taken from the workstation experiencing the issue. 
    • Gathered with network traffic capture tools such as Wireshark.

  • Screenshots of the errors seen on the affected workstation

  • Screenshots of the provisioning profile being used by CSS
    • Found under: Provisioning > Provisioning Profile



In cases where content quality, content failure, call failure, or other call-related issues are experienced

  • Packet captures taken from the workstation experiencing the issue,
    • Gathered with network traffic capture tools such as Wireshark

  • Packet captures from the far end system (usually RMX)
    • Gathered from the system in call with the Lync Client / CSS Client

  • Call statistics details (if available) Packet loss, jitter, call rate, etc,  
    • Gathered from the far-end system if available



Serial Number Location

CSS is a virtual appliance, so the serial number is only available from the web GUI. It can be found on the Admin > Licenses page.