
Definitions of the data structure for the entire set of network configuration options used on a single server. Note that a given set of configuration values will represent the options available for configuring the network using network configuration files or the options available for configuring the network using network configuration tools such as ip, ethtool, etc. but will not represent both.


Defines the network configuration. It can represent the live operational configuration or the configuration saved in the various network configuration files. Content-Types: application/vnd.plcm.plcm-network-configuration+xml application/vnd.plcm.plcm-network-configuration+json

PlcmNetworkConfiguration Fields

atomLinkList Array of LinkSee Definition of Link
hostTableArray of PlcmHostsEntry
routingRulesArray of PlcmNetworkRoutingRule
routeTablesArray of PlcmRouteTable
plcmLoopbackInterface PlcmLoopbackInterfaceSee Definition of PlcmLoopbackInterface
plcmBondInterfaceList Array of PlcmBondInterfaceSee Definition of PlcmBondInterface
plcmEthernetInterfaceList Array of PlcmEthernetInterfaceSee Definition of PlcmEthernetInterface
plcmDnsConfiguration PlcmDnsConfigurationSee Definition of PlcmDnsConfiguration
physicalHostNamePlcmDomainName Defines the physical host name for the server. This is not the fully qualified domain name, only the hostname. Mandatory
physicalHostNameValueSourcePhysicalHostNameValueSource Specifies whether the physical host name in this configuration should override any values provided by a DHCP server. If the value is not present or is blank, the physical-host-name value in this configuration will override any DHCP supplied value. Otherwise, this field must specify the name of an interface that is configured with DHCP enabled and the value will be requested from the DHCP server associated with that interface
dnsDomainPlcmDomainName Defines the DNS domain to which the server belongs.
dnsDomainValueSourceDnsDomainValueSource Specifies whether the DNS domain in this configuration should override any values provided by a DHCP server. If the value is not present or is blank, the dns-domain value in this configuration will override any DHCP supplied value. Otherwise, this field must specify the name of an interface that is configured with DHCP enabled and the value will be requested from the DHCP server associated with that interface
defaultGatewayPlcmInetAddress Default gateway address for the server (ipv4)
defaultGatewayIpv6PlcmInetAddress Default gateway address for the server (ipv6)
defaultGatewayDeviceDefaultGatewayDevice Default gateway device for the server (ipv4)
edgeServicesEnabledboolean Indicates whether network services associated with a system configured as an edge server are available for assignment to interfaces. True indicates that the services are available for configuration, false means only core services are available.
enabledVersionsArray of PlcmIpVersion The IP versions that are available to configure on the server
networkingIpv4boolean Indicates whether ipv4 network settings are inetended to be configured.
networkingIpv6boolean Indicates whether ipv6 network settings are inetended to be configured.

Nested Types/Restrictions

Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=64
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=64
Length of value must be >=0
Length of value must be <=64